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AMBLIN MOSTLY WORKS with public companies and private equity funds in the real estate business, but we also work for private companies and companies in other business sectors. Following are some typical assignments that we have carried out.


A foreign real estate fund needs help with financial management for a recently acquired property portfolio.

Amblin is contacted by the Swedish management team who is looking for financial management.The assignment includes everything from tenant invoicing and book keeping to investor reporting. Since Amblin has extensive experience working with real estate funds, we are able to assemble a team with the required qualities and experience. The successful cooperation exceeded the client’s expectations, that they later assigned two additional property portfolios to Amblin.


A listed real estate company needs assistance with their group accounting, IFRS-conversion and financial reporting in general.

Amblin is contacted by the company’s CFO who needs assistance with implementing a group accounting software and to establish a routine to produce interim reports. The client also needs assistance with converting their financial reporting to IFRS. Amblin assembles a team of three consultants to meet all of their demands. After the assignment is completed, the client chose to continue consulting Amblin when preparing interim and annual reports.


A government property company has a vacancy on their financial department due to an employee going on a one-year maternity leave.

The CFO of the company contacts Amblin looking for a competent person with experience from the real estate industry. Since Amblin have consultants with up to twentyfive years of experience, matching a consultant with the right level of skills and experience required based on the clients’ needs is no problem. In order to maximize cost-efficiency, the client chose to hire our consultant full-time during the busy periods of annual and interim reporting, and at part-time during other periods.


A listed property company needs assistance with a real estate transaction and preparation of annual reports.

The company has sold a large property portfolio and needs assistance with preparing balance sheets for a number of companies at the day of leaving possession. Amblin is engaged to deliver complete financial statements for the divested companies. The same company wishes to improve the process of preparing annual reports. Fixing all errors and corrections is too time consuming, and therefore Amblin is hired to take care of the entire process, from the year-end closing until the annual reports are signed and filed at the Swedish Companies Registration Office.